Max Glennon, AP

Acupuncture Physician

Hello! My name is Max. I am a national board-certified acupuncture physician practicing in Gainesville Florida.

However, over twelve years ago, I struggled with anxiety and depression. The anxiety developed into panic attacks, preventing me from basic activities, such as shopping at the grocery store. Strangely, there were no specific thoughts causing the panic attacks, which suddenly and powerfully affected me. Also, I would have weeks of depression and brain fog.

Seeking help, I went to a Western doctor, who rather than trying to understand the underlying cause of my problems, simply prescribed a powerful drug to suppress my symptoms. This worked for a little while, but eventually the symptoms, which were signals for help my body was sending, broke through. The panic came back even worse than before.

At this point, I decided I had to transform my health. I began my own independent research to understand why I was experiencing such difficult symptoms. I soon discovered the incredible power of changing nutrition and reducing psychological stress. When I quit eating certain types of foods, my panic attacks stopped completely and never came back. Other nutritional and emotional adjustments also caused my depression and brain fog to disappear.

This experience was unbelievable and amazing. However, I did not understand why nobody had told me such solutions existed. Later I realized it was because most people simply did not know. This both angered and inspired me to learn as much as I could about health to help other people.

After thousands of hours of independent research, reading many books and scientific studies, I suddenly experienced an incredible realization. In pursuing this realization I began writing a revolutionary new book about health.

Around this same time, I started to receive five element acupuncture treatments. These treatments made me feel emotionally more free and relaxed. They also improved my mental focus and clarity. I felt like the person I was always meant to be.

Because of how much I learned about health through independent study and my great experiences with five element acupuncture, I decided I wanted to personally help other people transform their health. Therefore, I began the training to become a licensed acupuncture physician.

Today, I continue to learn as much as I can about both Eastern and Western Medicine. I am passionate about health because of my challenging past experiences, love of solving mysteries, and the joy of helping people feel better.

If you want to transform your health, then please contact me to set up a free consultation. During this consultation you can share some of your story, ask questions, and we can determine if we are a good match for working together.

Professional Credentials

Licenses & Certifications

  • National board-certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the NCCAOM
  • Licensed Acupuncture Physician (AP) in Florida
  • Certified in CPR

Education Background

  • Master of Acupuncture (M.Ac) from the Academy For Five Element Acupuncture
  • Completion of Herbal Studies from the Academy For Five Element Acupuncture
  • Thousands of hours of independent research on Western medicine and biochemistry