A Revolutionary
New Understanding of
Autism and Health

Transform Your Health.

This book presents a revolutionary new understanding of autism and health using over 800 sources. Written by a high-functioning autistic, this book describes how inflammation changes the brain and greatly increases the risk of autism. There are also many ideas on how to improve health and reduce autism symptoms. This book also includes remarkable information that may forever change the way you understand cancer, obesity, autoimmunity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, depression, and anxiety.

Book Cover Image

What's In The Book?

A New Understanding of Many Health Conditions

The main cause of autism

The purpose of cancer’s design

How health impacts the thyroid

The hidden reason for obesity

Inflammation’s affect on anxiety

Discover Amazing Ways To Improve Your Health

Why certain foods are dangerous

How reducing stress helps health

Importance of avoiding pollution

The reason grounding is helpful

Benefits of fasting and exercise