What is Eastern Medicine?

Eastern medicine, also known as Oriental Medicine, is a complex medical system that has been practiced for thousands of years. This system has a deep understanding of the amazing relationships between emotions and the physical body.

For example, certain emotions, such as anger and sadness, can become trapped and create energetic disturbances in specific areas of the body. In the long-term, these disturbances may create physical symptoms many people struggle to understand. Eastern Medicine seeks to treat these energetic disturbances and many different physical problems.

Eastern Medicine understands physical and emotional symptoms are like the branch of a tree. Often times, there is a hidden root cause creating the problem with the branch. Unfortunately, most Western Medicine overly focuses on treating obvious branch symptoms with powerful drugs that suppress symptoms and have many negative side effects.

What is special about Eastern Medicine is we are trained to recognize specific complex patterns to identify the hidden root causes of various health problems. Often, the root causes of complex health problems is a combination of incorrect lifestyle patterns and different types of long-term emotional tension. Therefore, natural lifestyle adjustments and gradual emotional release have powerful effects. Our services may greatly help with this process and transform your health.

What is acupuncture and how does it work?

All living beings possess a subtle energy known as Qi (pronounced “chee”). This energy organizes itself into a complex energy field that carries information and life force to the entire body. Qi moves along specific channels in the body, connecting and affecting specific organs. This flow of energy strongly affects overall health. If the flow of Qi becomes blocked or disrupted then pain or illness can occur. Acupuncture needles are inserted at specific points along these channels to regulate and harmonize the flow of Qi. Health happens when energy is able to flow with ease. In contrast, when there is a lack of ease, there is dis-ease.

From the perspective of Western medicine, acupuncture affects the release of specific hormones and neurotransmitters. For example, acupuncture can influence the release of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substances, such as opioid peptides and cannabinoids naturally produced by the body. Acupuncture may also affect serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps people feel good. Furthermore the National Institute of Health stated that acupuncture may be useful in situations such as “addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma…”

There is also the possibility that acupuncture affects the organization of the complex energy field in the human body, known to other cultures and systems of thought as the Light Body. This Light Body may be the blueprint which tells the physical body how to grow and regulate itself. For example, all cells contain the same genetic code. Yet, cells at the liver know to become liver cells, and other cells in the body know to become lung cells. Also, the way wounds heal and hormones are distributed throughout the body indicates there is a higher level of organizing force affecting the physical body. Given that we only have five senses, it is a major assumption to think that the physical body is the only health factor.

What conditions are treated?

Many different health conditions are treated with acupuncture and herbs. If you have questions about your health condition, then please call us for a free consultation at 352.353.5036. Below is a brief list of health conditions our services may help to improve.
  • Respiratory Disorders: asthma, bronchitis, allergies
  • Emotional and Psychological Disorders: anxiety, panic, grief, depression, mania, stress, insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders: acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, poor digestion, bloating
  • Urogenital Disorders: urinary tract infections, sexual dysfunction, weak bladder, enlarged prostate
  • Gynecological Disorders: menopausal symptoms, PMS, irregular menstruation, infertility
  • Circulatory System Disorders: hypertension, anemia, edema, stroke
  • Addictions: smoking, drug addiction, habit addiction, alcoholism
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders: low back pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, sciatica, whiplash, migraine headaches, arthritis

Is acupuncture painful?

Acupuncture needles are very thin, about the width of a human hair. These needles are inserted into specific energetic locations on the body. Most patients feel a temporary small needle sensation on the skin.

Since the goal of acupuncture is to move and regulate the subtle energy of the body many patients also feel a secondary sensation of energy release and movement deeper within the body. Many patients enjoy this and say the feeling is a warm, tingling, or wave-like sensation. People are often amazed by how relaxed they feel during treatment. Many patients become so relaxed that they fall asleep.

If you have any concerns about acupuncture treatment, then please reach out to us. We strive for an excellent patient experience and can work with you. We can go at your own pace and design treatments for your individual specific needs.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments depends on your individual health condition. Acupuncture can improve many conditions quite quickly. However, certain health conditions that have gradually developed over many years will require more treatments. Depending on your health condition, it is recommended you receive treatments 1-2 times per week.

Important factors in any healing journey are attitude and desire to improve, which will greatly affect your progress and overall results. This is because simple habit and lifestyle changes are the secrets to discovering amazing health improvements.

We know life is busy. Therefore, we recommend habit changes in very small doable steps. We also feel it is important to be compassionate and nonjudgmental about the process of change.

How do I get ready for treatment?

Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for your acupuncture appointment. Many important acupuncture points are on the limbs below the knees and elbows. Therefore, we need easy access to these areas. There are also frequently used points on the back, stomach, and chest areas, which require partial disrobing. We provide comfortable linens for you to wear when working on those areas.

We ask that you please eat a few hours before treatment so you are not too full or hungry. Because acupuncture moves the subtle energy of the body it is best to rest after treatment for maximum benefit. It is also helpful if you come to your treatments with clear intentions on what you want to improve.

What to expect at the first treatment?

This system of medicine was developed over thousands of years of careful observations. Therefore, we study your health in greater detail to form an Eastern medicine diagnosis. For example, we:

  • Analyze your pulse at six wrist positions for many different qualities
  • Study your tongue for hidden signs about your health
  • Palpate specific points and channel pathways on your body
  • Take a complete medical history
  • Ask unique questions that many others do not
  • Spend more time getting to know you (first session is 90 minutes)
  • Place needles in specific points depending on your health pattern

Will I need to change my habits?

After we analyze your health and lifestyle, we often suggest a couple of simple habit changes. We know amazing journeys are completed one step at a time. Therefore, our habit suggestions are small and doable so they are easy and can fit into a busy life schedule. Small habit changes, combined with regular acupuncture treatments, may lead to incredible health improvements.

Will acupuncture help when I am not sick?

Five Element acupuncture may affect health at a deeper level by harmonizing the subtle emotional and psychological energy field of the human body. For this reason, this style of acupuncture may take your life quality and vibrancy to the next level. Even if you feel healthy there is always room to improve and strive to become your best version. Five Element acupuncture treats you as the unique person you are and may help remove hidden blocks to accessing your inner greatness.

Acupuncture is also wonderful to receive regularly to help balance your nervous system and reduce the effects of stress caused by this fast-paced world. Getting acupuncture treatments consistently strengthens the nervous system and better prepares you to perform at your best.

What is the price for treatment?

Acupuncture treatments are 100 dollars for 60 minutes. The first treatment is 30 minutes longer because we must gather additional information and analyze different parts of your health. However, because we believe in the power of our services to help people feel better we are now offering the 90 minute first appointment for just 100 dollars.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Cash, Venmo, checks, and most credit cards are accepted forms of payment.